Here is a brief overview of the events held on 23rd and 24th March at The Forum in Norwich - Creative Futures
I volunteered with the running of the event, and documented moments of the event on Twitter - in my role as President of the Enterprise Society at NUA ( @nua_enterprise )
More posts from this event to come!
Outline Magazine -
Outline Magazine ran an engaging workshop in the Atrium at Creative
Futures which asked students to compile a themed magazine issue of their own.
Latitude was recently announced and so students picked a band to
profile/interview from the line-up. In preparation for their contributions to
the issue, Emma provided industry magazines (which Outline are sent regularly)
and iPads to help them research their artists of choice.
If you're commissioned to write about a band you know nothing about, you
often will have under an hour to become familiar with them before an interview
- so developing skills which help you pick out interesting ideas to ask about,
and knowing where to look for your information are really important. A great
place to start are existing magazines which you can use to scour for
information on the bands or people in question.
Imagine you have 15mins to interview the band of your choice - think of
interesting subjects to get your band talking. You will have to ask about their
latest album and tour - but what you really want is to get that bit more, such as
personal life, anecdotes - and a good interviewer will know how to get this sought
after information through a clever line of questioning, not interrogation!
As the workshop was running, Emma provided some background to her role
as Editor at Outline. The independent publication has been running for 11
years, and currently only employs 2 full-time members of staff, as much of
their content is out-sourced. This means that a team of writers and
photographers work on a volunteer basis provide the bulk of the magazine is
created by an eclectic mix of professionals, which are passionate about the
subjects they cover. Content is kept fresh and varied as a result of this.
Editors need to be excellent proof readers, have great writing talent
and experience, and they need art directing skills. Editors not only need to
compile and quality control work, but to arrange it in a way which is visually
appealing and logical to the readers. Experience in Photoshop and In Design are
ideal for these 'copy-editor' tasks. When you are assembling an issue, and
there are blank pages; you will need a creative mind to be able to fill them on
a tight deadline!
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