Thursday 27 October 2011

Aardman Studios - Helen Schroeder

Just a quick post to write up the main points I got from our lecture on Friday 21st.

Keep your show reel up to date with free work to build your CV and gain valuable contacts.

Apply for unpaid training courses as there may be a job at the end of it for you after you have shown your commitment.

Be flexible but strong minded. Say yes to jobs unrelated to your passion as you may find 'ins' through that work. Don't be afraid to ask for trials on different roles if you can see the opportunity there.

Be willing to start at the bottom of the food chain time and time again as this will build up your skill base and widen your job opportunities and make you a more valuable team member if you can perform several jobs on a project.

In the animation industry you will be likely to start your career as a set modeller or a runner.

No matter how mundane, be excellent at your job and you're likely to not stay in it for long!

Look abroad in Europe for jobs and training.

I found Helen a very interesting person to listen to as she genuinely wanted to be there which came across in her talk.

Arthur Christmas picture taken from

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Robin Silcock

I am a Second Year Games Art and Design student at Norwich University of the Arts. After exploration of a number of roles in my first year, I am now looking to graduate as a 3D Artist with applicable skills in Maya, Mudbox, ZBrush and Photoshop. I understand that my skills in this field are not there yet - but I aim to achieve this goal through consistently working through the programs in my University and Personal Projects. I love to be busy - I have always had a lot of things on my plate since the age of 7 where I successfully balanced school with Ballet, Tap, Horse-Riding, French, Piano and Singing Lessons! In the same fashion, my university schedule is just as hectic and varied; I am a Peer Mentor to first year students, Student Rep for Second Year, and President of the Enterprise Society. Like I said, I love to be busy! I am a Games Hippie - so to speak - I believe that Games if designed and harnessed in the right way, will be able to help solve many of the global issues we have today - even if it starts off in a small way. Just look at the positive effects that Facebook and Twitter have already had... When navigating my blog;
  • Works in Progress - This section is a constantly running account of all my current projects - personal and for university. It will contain reference images and website links and sometimes less than coherent posts, so be prepared!
  • Finished Pieces - This is where you will find my more polished artwork. Looking for help with Maya? Check out the posts tagged "Maya How-To's"